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Casa Garden 東方基金會
Location 位置 / Beside Camões Square 白鴿巢公園側 This house was built in 1770 and was originally the residence of a wealthy Portuguese merchant, Manuel Pereira. At a later period it was rented out to the East India Company. Nowadays the property is the headquarters of the Oriental Foundation. 東方基金會會址(Casa Garden),現為澳門歷史城區一部份。建於18世紀70年代,原址是葡國皇室貴族俾利喇(Manuel Perreira)的別墅。該建築可能是澳門首幢別墅式花園的豪華住宅。20世紀60年代後曾改作賈梅士博物館,現為東方基金會會址。 Public Transportation 公交資訊 8A, 17, 18, 18A, 18B, 19, 26 |
Related Activities 相關活動
2021.01.01 | Fri 五 15:00 Dance in the Time of Lockdown 舞在瘟疫隔離時 16:30 Documentary I 紀錄片 I 19:15 Ecoculture 生態文化 21:00 World Kaleidoscope I 世界萬花筒 I |
2021.01.02 | Sat 六 15:00 Awards Finalists I 競賽入圍 I 16:30 Awards Finalists II 競賽入圍 II 19:15 Documentary II 紀錄片 II 21:00 China Dance Film Pulse 中國舞蹈影像脈動 |
2021.01.03 | Sun 日 15:00 Animation 動畫 16:30 Awards Finalists III 競賽入圍 III 19:15 Conviviality 多元共融 |
2021.01.06 | Wed 三 19:15 World Kaleidoscope II 世界萬花筒 II 21:00 Portugal Dance Film Pulse 葡萄牙舞蹈影像脈動 |
2021.01.07 | THU 四 19:15 Today's Special 是日例牌 21:00 Motion Body beyond Island Scenery 島嶼身景.舞影漫遊' |
2021.01.08 | FRI 五 19:15 Hybird Motion 舞影·混雙 21:00 Look Two Ways Revisited 相‧人‧再起舞 |
2021.01.09 | SAT 六 15:00 CCDC Commissioned Work Selections CCDC委約作品精選 16:30 Beyond Labs 跳出實驗室 19:15 Land.Scapes from the SEA 東南亞舞影光譜 |
2021.01.10 | SUN 日 15:00 World Kaleidoscope III 世界萬花筒 III 16:30 Macao Dance Film Pulse 澳門舞蹈影像脈動 18:00 Award Announcement 得獎影片放映 |
Cinema Alegria
Cinema Alegria 永樂大戲院
85 Estr. do Repouso, Macao 澳門鏡湖馬路85號 The over sixty-year-old Alegria Cinema is located at the intersection of Travessa da Corda and Estrada do Repouso of San Kio area, a densely populated and historic district of Macao. Its Chinese name “永樂大戲院” is displayed vertically on a large rectangular neon sign affixed to its wall to give the cinema an impressive look. 永樂大戲院(葡萄牙語:Cinema Alegria)是澳門現存歷史最悠久的戲院,位於鏡湖馬路蓮溪廟前,1952年2月15日建成,前身是廟前的戲場,演出神功戲。 |