Spiraled, Unwind, Redefine
Programme 節目 I
Portuguese Directors Series
Portuguese Directors Series
Programme 節目 II
A Body in Fukushima
A Body in Fukushima
A Body in Fukushima Japan & USA | 2022 | 107' | DCP | No dialogue | Chinese & English subtitles Director | Eiko OTAKE Award & Nomination | Museum of Modern Art's Doc Fortnight, Official Selection, 2022 (New York) Movement-based, interdisciplinary artist and choreographer, Eiko Otake traveled six times to the evacuated and desolate Fukushima in the wake of the 2011 triple disaster – earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown. Collaborating with William Johnston, a photographer and scholar of Japanese history from her second trip onwards, the film was crafted from tens of thousands of photographs and personal text. Accompanied by an original score, Otake transforms the surreal, irradiated landscapes into a site for performance. The artist’s body, embodying grief, anger and remorse, is captured with the cries of the Fukushima landscapes. A project of witness, remembrance and empathy, A Body of Fukushima grapples with the reality of human failure. With her own body as conduit, taking Fukushima to the world, Otake whispers her gentle but powerful protest as a body-worker. |
身在福島 日本及美國 | 2022| 107' | DCP | 無對白 | 中英字幕 導演 |尾竹永子 獎項及提名 |美國紐約現代藝術博物館紀錄片雙週電影節2022選片 跨界別形體藝術表演者及編舞尾⽵永⼦自2011 年東日本九級世紀大地震,引發海嘯及福島核事故後,六度前往已疏散、只剩一片荒涼的福島。從她第二次福島之旅開始,便與攝影師兼東亞歷史學者威廉 ‧ 莊士敦同行。從莊士敦所拍攝的二萬五千多張照片挑選而出,配合尾⽵的⽂字再經她重組、剪輯、串連,並加上原創音樂,將帶點超現實意味的災後福島化身成她的舞台。藝術家從身體溢出來的悲傷、憤怒與悔恨在福島孤寂的場景無聲吶喊。《身在福島》作為一個默默的見證、一份深深的悼念和一點溫柔的同理,揭示人為疏失所帶來的後果。尾⽵以身體作導線,把福島帶往世界,欲以舞者之軀,作出溫柔、堅定,又美麗、安靜的抗議。 |
Programme 節目 III
The Ferryman
The Ferryman
The Ferryman France | 2016 | 71' | DCP | English / Chinese subtitles Director | Gilles DELMAS Choreographer & Performance | Damien JALET Voice & Performance | Marina ABRAMOVIĆ Original Music | Ryuichi SAKAMOTO Award & Nomination | Outstanding Achievement in Dance Film Award, 'Choreoscope - Barcelona Dance Film Festival', 2018 Narrated by legendary performance artist Marina Abramović with score created by composer Ryuichi Sakamoto, The Ferryman is a lush visual and choreographic journey into the animistic roots of rituals, dance and sculpture, and their contemporary relevance. Rich with metaphors, Belgian-French choreographer and dancer Damien Jalet takes the viewer on an outlandish journey as a half-deer, half-hunter character across the threshold between worlds. Filmed in the stunning volcanic landscapes of Bali, Japan and Scotland and inside the oldest sections of the Louvre Museum in Paris, the ancestral spiritual bond between men and nature is portrayed here through a series of striking ceremonies (trance, cremations and sacrifices rituals in Bali, mountain worship in Japan) and contemporary dance performances. Oneiric and raw, blurring the line between archaic and contemporary, The Ferryman is both a fascinating documentary and a work of art of breathtaking beauty. |
角男神祭 法國 | 2016 | 71' | DCP | 英語 | 中文字幕 導演 | 吉爾.德爾馬斯 編舞及演出 | 達米恩.扎勒 旁白及演出 | 瑪麗娜.阿布拉莫維奇 原創音樂 | 坂本龍一 獎項及提名 | 2018年 Choreoscope 巴塞隆拿舞蹈電影節傑出成就獎 由行為藝術教母瑪麗娜.阿布拉莫維奇擔任旁白,坂本龍一配樂,《角男神祭》集多重視覺與舞蹈意象,探索祭祀儀式、身體和雕塑中萬物皆有靈的源頭及其當代意義。法國/比利時編舞及表演者達米恩.扎勒以半鹿半獵人的虛幻角色穿越世界之間,帶領觀眾踏上詭異的旅程。影片的拍攝地點包括峇里島、日本和蘇格蘭絕美的火山景觀,及巴黎羅浮宮博物館最古老的部分,以引人入勝的祭祀儀式,如峇里的出神、火葬、血獻祭和日本的阿蘇火山祭及當代舞片段,展現人類與自然之間古老而復雜的靈性關係。《角男神祭》是一部夢幻又原始、古代與現代時間界線矇糊的真實紀錄片,亦是一部美得令人驚艷的藝術作品。 |
During its open call from June to September 2022, ROLLOUT had received a diverse range of international submissions to enter the Festival’s award contest and selection. Within the award contest category, 27 finalists to the ROLLOUT Jury Award, Asian Production Award, Jury Recommendation Awards, Audience Choice Award, and Online Audience Choice Award were shortlisted. These finalist films will be screened through five “Awards Finalists” programs held at Casa Garden on 4 Feb and 5 Feb 2023 and the award winners will be announced on 5 Feb 2023 (Jury Awards) and 12 Feb 2023 (Audience Choice Awards).
Formosan Blue Magpie
Peng Hsiao-yin
Peng Hsiao-yin
A woman named Meng, all her life she keeps dancing from child to adult, from profession to occupation. She and a group of female dancers met a dance piece inspired by the Taiwan Blue Magpie, and they practiced everyday to learn how the birds look and fly until they become the charming figures of blue magpies.
Chen Jiexiao
2021 | 14'58
Chen Jiexiao
2021 | 14'58
From observations of daily life in Guangzhou, to chilling conciliation with the untold sacrificial stories beneath gentrification. Smell the flower's fragrance, taste the bruise and blood.
Fallen Memories
Indonesia, Macao, Singapore
Keng U Lao
2020 | 10’04
Indonesia, Macao, Singapore
Keng U Lao
2020 | 10’04
Waking up to an alternate reality, a man encounters an aged sewing machine and a batik left on the pedestal that arouses his desires. As he interacts with the batik, he struggles to break free from an invisible restraint and soon merges with its structure with graceful fluidity, finally free.
Bodily Reminiscence
Zhou Liheng
Zhou Liheng
Hook the memory of the years, arouse the awakening era. I'm in charge of my body... Born under the red flag, long in the spring breeze, tide in The Times of the flood but displaced. This is a process of self - remodeling and self - transformation, is the whole era of the tsunami - like transformation. Personality and commonness collide, danger and opportunity coexist, alienation and rebellion quietly into the tide of breathing and sharing a common destiny.
Ojo Infinito
Daniel Magaña
Daniel Magaña
One same eye connects to the universal cell and reflects the mystery of life, dialoguing with his most internal, intimate and wild memories.