18 +
DIR 導演 | Boaz Yakin 鮑茲·亞金
United States 美國 | 2020 | 116'
English | 英語
English Subtitles 英字幕
United States 美國 | 2020 | 116'
English | 英語
English Subtitles 英字幕
WINNER Outstanding Achievement in Dance Film Award CHOREOSCOPE 2020
2020 巴塞隆拿CHOREOSCOPE 舞蹈電影節優秀成就獎得主
Awards Finalists
We all have had a special 2020 with some rollercoaster moments, and our upside down minds have found new ways to understand this world again. How we saw the ways we exist with others, with arts, and with this world have all been challenged. Going through this global metamorphosis is not without struggles, but we see the beauty in how the essence of ‘connection’ and the many faces of ‘presence’ have been redefined alongside transformations, which were embodied in many of the submissions we received from this edition of ROLLOUT.
The third edition of ROLLOUT Dance Film Festival received more than 1100 submissions from 89 countries and regions, among which 28 award contest films and 87 official selection films were chosen. Together with other quality films around the world chosen by the curators and the overseas selections recommended by the guest curators, these dance films will be screened at different venues in Macao over a period of three weeks. Some of the selections will also be screened online to reach a wider global audience. This programme includes 26 award contest films. Check out the full listing of finalists on our website. Remarks: "APORIA" in programme II " and "A Rock" in programme III are not included in this online programme due to the limitation of online screening right. |
2020是非常特別的一年,每一個人都在經歷前所未有的考驗和挑戰,世人彷彿一起重新思考個體與個體之間、個體與世界之間,甚至藝術與生活之間的種種關係。ROLLOUT也不例外,我們身處地圖上一個小點,也與世界一起同呼同吸,經驗這一次的蛻變,然而,困難之下,讓我們更意識到,連結(connection)在今天的時代意義,以及參與(Presence) 在這個時代的多重可能!
第三屆全球徵集共獲得來⾃89個國家及地區超過1,100部作品報名參展。最後官方入圍影⽚包括28條競選影片及87條非競選影片,連同⼤會再從世界各地搜羅的作品,以及海內外客席策展人的精選推薦,本屆ROLLOUT將以多個特別專題⼀連數週於澳⾨多個地點放映,部份節⽬同步進行線上放映,讓全球的舞蹈電影愛好者有機會⼀同觀賞。 完整競賽入圍名單,請瀏覽ROLLOUT網頁。 備註:此網上放映節目因地區放映限制不包括節目二之 "APORIA" 及節目三之 "A Rock"。 |
Official Selections
The ROLLOUT official selection consists of 87 films, under nine categories - “Dance in the Time of Lockdown”, “Documentaries”, “Animations”, “Ecoculture”, “Conviviality”, “World Kaleidoscope”, “Macao Dance Film Pulse”, “China Dance Film Pulse” and “Portuguese Dance Film Pusle”, each showing a different exploration of dance film making. Like other forms of arts, dance film has been used to study, understand, present and call attention to the lives and happenings around us, and we believe in the many possibilities it carries and generates.
“Dance in the Time of Lockdown” is one of the key themes in this edition of ROLLOUT. Social distancing is not an obstacle to creation, but rather a condition artists reflect on through their creative practices. With limited resources and spaces, how dance and video artists respond to this new reality will be shown through 12 dance films to be screened on 1 Jan 2021. Taking place at a turning point between the years, the program will show how the 2020 story is told differently with some unusual creative energies. |
本屆官方入圍影⽚包括28條競選影片及87條非競選影片,各具多元面向,策展人特別精選出以下9個入圍主題放映,讓觀眾飽覧舞蹈影像的盛饗。 包括:舞在瘟疫隔離時、紀錄片系列、動畫系列、生態文化、多元共融、世界萬花筒、澳門舞蹈影像脈動、中國舞蹈影像脈動以及葡萄牙舞蹈影像脈動。作為一種藝術創作的媒介,舞蹈影像同樣關心世界動向,關注大千世界的各種事情,可以是一種獨一無二的語言,直指本質,極具穿透力和感染力。
其中,「Dance in the Time of Lockdown 舞在瘟疫隔離時」為本年非常特殊的一個主題,隔離並不能阻檔創作的心,藝術就是對生活最直接的反映,在有限的資源和條件下,來看各舞蹈影像人如何釋放出獨一無二的創作火花,回應當下!精選12部作品,於1月1日下午放映,以一種意想不到的能量,回顧2020,展望2021。 |