Inaugurated in 2016, ROLLOUT is a biennial dance film festival in Macao. ROLLOUT Dance Film Festival features international award contests, selection screenings, artist sharings, workshops, screening tours and commissioned productions etc. We work towards building a dance film platform in Macao which fosters multi-faceted creative possibilities and exchange networks.
Each edition of ROLLOUT has received enthusiastic responses to its open call for dance film submissions across the globe, not only from choreographers and directors but also interdisciplinary artists from various fields, bridging the world's dance films with Macao. In 2020, ROLLOUT's Online Cinema was launched to extend our reach to a wider audience. Through bringing specific programs online for a limited viewing period during the festival, more people from around the world can watch, discuss, and exchange their views on dance films through our Online Cinema no matter where they are. |
《ROLLOUT 舞蹈影像展》⾃2016年⾸辦,是澳門每兩年⼀度的舞蹈影像盛事。節⽬內容包括國際舞蹈影像競賽、世界舞蹈影像精選策展、專題對談、工作坊、巡迴放映及委約創作等綜合舞蹈影像活動。展望在澳⾨建立⼀個舞蹈影像平台,探索當中的多元⾯向,激發種種可能的舞蹈影像討論及交流發展。
歷屆ROLLOUT均向全球公開徵集作品,受到來自各地舞蹈影像藝術家的積極回應。這不僅包括編舞及導演,還涵蓋了來自不同領域的跨媒介藝術家。這樣的參與令人鼓舞,讓世界舞蹈影像得以在澳門被看見。 自2020年起,詢眾要求,ROLLOUT 開啓了線上影院的新嘗試,讓更多世界各地的舞影好友有機會一起共同觀賞,藉著圍繞特定主題的限時放映,無論身在何處,觀眾都可以透過我們的線上平台觀看、討論和交流大家對舞蹈影像的看法。 |
Round 1: 1st-9th Feb
RETROSPECTIVE MARATHON (Macao Works) MOVING THROUGH NATURE Selection Round 2:10th-23rd Feb Official Selections Programmes
馬拉松回顧(澳門作品) 「植然流動」專題展選映 次回:2月10-23日 官方入選專題
終回:2月24-28日 澳門舞動影像脈動 競賽入圍 |
首回開放 Round 1 from
1-9 / 02 /2025 |
Moving through Nature 植然流動The interdisciplinary nature of dance films allows them to address a wide range of topics. This year, we are collaborating with our partner platform Dancescreen Collective from Taipei to co-curate the exhibition Moving through Nature in Macao and it is now brought to ROLLOUT Online Cinema. The exhibition revisits recent topics related to ecoculture, including but not limited to the environment, conservation, life transformations, and diverse identities. Through this exhibition, we explore the connections among dance film, natural ecosystems, and the Anthropocene.
舞蹈影像的跨領域本質賦予其關注各個領域的特性。本屆,我們邀來台北之好友平臺「舞映島」,共同策展《植然流動 Moving through Nature》專題舞蹈影像展,一起回顧近年關注的一些生態文化相關議題,包括但不限於環境、保育、生命變化、多元身份等。展覧於澳門展開,並於ROLLOUT網上影院延續,淺談舞蹈影像與自然生態及人類世代之呼應。 |
Retrospective Marathon
首回開放 Round 1 from
1-9 / 02 /2025 |