Inaugurated in 2016, ROLLOUT is a biennial dance film festival in Macao. ROLLOUT Dance Film Festival features international award contests, selection screenings, artist sharings, workshops, screening tours and commissioned productions etc. We work towards building a dance film platform in Macao which fosters multi-faceted creative possibilities and exchange networks.
This year, the theme of the 5th edition of ROLLOUT is ‘Moving through_________, beyond the known self’. The festival selection reflects the emergence of a collective intention of recreating oneself before the advent of a new direction, through the necessary detours and crossroads. 60 films were chosen internationally to enter the Festival, of which 24 award finalist films and 35 official selection films of different programs will be shown both locally in Macao and globally on the ROLLOUT Online Cinema to reach a wider audience. Mobile installations, exhibitions and special programs will also take place at various local spots to enhance more viewing options and community interactions in the city. |
《ROLLOUT 舞蹈影像展》⾃2016年⾸辦,是本澳兩年⼀度的舞蹈影像盛事。節⽬內容包括國際舞蹈影像競賽、世界舞蹈影像精選策展、專題對談、工作坊、巡迴放映及委約創作等綜合舞蹈影像活動,展望在澳⾨建立⼀個舞蹈影像平台,探索當中的多元⾯向,激發種種可能的舞蹈影像討論及交流發展。
本年,第五屆ROLLOUT從全球徵集中共選出60部入選作品,當中包括24部競賽入圍影片及36部放映入選影片,啓發出「躍動於______, 步向未知的自我」的主題,空白線留待各位參加者自行填上關鍵詞,共同探討舞蹈影像在澳門的集體定義。入選影片將與多個國際策展人精選合共逾百部短片,以多個專題於澳門作流動裝置展及特別放映,滾動更多社區,共同發掘舞蹈影像的多重觀看方式!結合限時開放之ROLLOUT線上影院,讓本地以至全球的舞蹈影像愛好者⼀同觀賞,Roll together! |