以「衞星連線」為概念,與海內外各方舞蹈影像平臺攜手掀動舞蹈影像的浪潮,把每屆ROLLOUT精選作品在對接平臺放映,打破地域界限,聯動各地舞蹈影像之好友及平臺!往屆曾連線廣州站、台北站、里斯本站、波蘭貝托姆站、柏林等等, 下一站將與珠海橫琴及清邁連結!歡迎各地好友一起來點對點。
With "satellite networks" as the concept, ROLLOUT collaborates with dance film partners at home and abroad to bring up new waves of exchanges. In each edition of the Festival, selected works from ROLLOUT are brought to partner platforms from different regions in the world for overseas screenings and vice versa. Our satellite connections have reached cities like Guangzhou, Taipei, Lisbon, Bytom and Berlin. The coming events will link us up with Zhuhai Hengqin and Chiang Mai! Welcome to join us in this satellite network!