Dancing Pina
Florian Heinzen-Ziob|2022|111mins|英語 English|英文字幕 English subtitle
傳奇編舞大師翩娜包殊(Pina Bausch)對國際舞蹈劇場的現代舞有著流傳千古的貢獻,被譽為21世紀新表現主義大師的她,以獨特的舞蹈風格結合悲傷與幽默,誕生出不朽的頂尖傑作。但在她逝世後,該如何將她的作品承傳下去?本紀錄片透過世界兩個不同地方的年輕舞者排練她經典作品的旅程,看看新一代如何詮釋她獨特的編舞風格。各位舞者必須用自己的身體和個人的故事重新演繹翩娜的舞蹈,當中包括常因身高而被貶低冷落的韓國舞者、奮力爭取種族平權的尼日利亞舞蹈員,以及面對恐同歧視的美國舞者。 紀錄片透過這種迷人的蛻變過程,捕捉街舞、古典芭蕾以及傳統和現代非洲舞等不同舞蹈的表演者如何重新發現翩娜的作品,以及翩娜的編舞如何改變舞者,並同時探討藝術與人相輔相成的奇妙關係。 |
Considered one of the most significant choreographers in the history of dance, Pina Bausch evolved ballet and dance by merging them with emancipation, offering dancers the liberty to express themselves rather than expressing rigid ballet routines. Director Florian Heinzen-Ziob presents two of Bausch’s mesmerising dance projects - her 1974 dance opera Iphigenia in Tauris and a re-interpretation of Stravinsky’s Le Sacre du Printemps. The documentary follows the rehearsal of two groups of young dancers as they unlearn their previous knowledge and elevate themselves to a new understanding of what dance can be. Bausch’s spirit encourages the dancers to embracing a self-defined notion of expression and liberation. For them, dance is no longer limited to its preconceptions of simply being a combination of movements; it is an intertwinement of self-discovery, passion, and communication. |
Nagelhus Schia Productions:
DuEls 對決
Nagelhus Schia Productions: DuEls | Norway | Jonas Åkerlund, Damien Jalet, Erna Omarsdottir | 2024 | 60'00 |C
《DuEls》是由瑞典著名導演喬納斯·阿克倫德 (Jonas Åkerlund) 拍攝的一部舞蹈電影,以由Nagelhus Schia Productions 製作、達米安·雅萊特(Damien Jalet) 和厄爾娜·奧馬斯多蒂爾 (Erna Omarsdottir) 編創、並於2020年首次在奧斯陸維格蘭博物館(Vigeland Museum)演出的同名舞作為題。該演出於博物館不同角落躍動,透過一系列短小而生動的舞蹈段落,釋放凝聚於館中標誌性雕塑中的能量。
DuEls is a dance film by the renowned Swedish director Jonas Åkerlund. It is based on Nagelhus Schia Productions’ successful dance performance choreographed by Damien Jalet and Erna Omarsdottir first presented at the Vigeland museum in Oslo in 2020. Through a series of short and visceral pieces performed in the form of a tour performance through the museum, the dance contributes to release the concentrated energy in Vigeland's iconic sculptures.
Solo Dance
台灣 Taiwan | 李立劭 Lee Li-shao | 2021 | 83 mins | DCP | 華語 Mandarin | 中英字幕 Chinese & English subtitles | D
導演|李立劭 1999 年開始拍攝短片及紀錄片。作品曾多次榮獲金穗獎、台灣地方志影展獎項,亦多次入選台灣國際紀錄片雙年展、台北電影節、金鐘獎及其他國際影展。2013 年以《 邊城啟示錄 》入圍金馬獎最佳紀錄片。近年致力於拍攝「 滇緬游擊隊三部曲 」,探討泰緬孤軍後裔的國族認同議題。 |
In the form of archival documentary, director Lee Li-shao studies his own mother, Lin Ssu-tuan, recounting her life story as Taiwan’s first nude model, a pioneer of Taiwan contemporary dance and an inspiring dance educator. In the 1950s, post war Taiwan on the rampage of the white terror, despite its conservativeness and narrow-mindedness, Lin refused to accept model’s role as the subject of male gaze and claimed her own voice by organizing her nude portraits and photography exhibitions that aroused controversy in Taiwan. She fought against the objectification of the female body and actively took over the right of artistic expression and body autonomy. A whole generation of prominent Taiwan artistic figures including painters Zhang Yi-xiong, Liao Chi-chun, Chen Jing-rong, Shiy De-jinn, sculptor Yang Yu-yu, photographers Deng Nan-guang, Ko Si-chi, Lang Ching-shan have all collaborated with her. Her dance body became the vessel to create and represent art of her era. She followed her heart and remained passionate in realizing her ideology, ‘dance represents the society at the moment’, which pulled her closer to seek gender equality and women’s emancipation. Over the age of 80, Lin Ssu-tuan still fervently pursues her ideals and passions with her body; her path of life is indeed a book of female art history that communicates with the society in Taiwan.